Describe at least ONE effective technique used in the written text(s). Explain how this technique helped you to understand an important message. Note: Techniques could include vocabulary, style, imagery, symbolism, structure, or narrative pointof-view. Plan – Green Light, Paragraph one – The symbol of the green light helped me to understand about the inevitability of […]

The setting known as the Valley of Ashes is used in The Great Gatsby to illustrate the failure of the American Dream. “About half way between West Egg and New York the motor road hastily joins the railroad and runs beside it for a quarter of a mile, so as to shrink away from a […]

Nick is introduced. He is supposedly a non judgmental narrator who admires Mr Gatsby, his neighbour.  In chapter one, Nick visits his second cousin once removed,  Daisy, and her partner Tom Buchanans, who is a racist, wealthy ex-footballer and their child. They also meet Daisy’s dainty friend Miss Baker. Daisy – Witty, gay, lovely, thrilling, sad […]